XP Xtreme Tongkat Ali Kapsul Seks Pertama Berkelulusan KKM di Malaysia
RM 98
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XP Extreme @ XP Xtreme Approved Sex Pill with KKM ( Enlargement )
Kapsul SEHEBAT ' V I M A X ' berkelulusan KKM Pertama di Malaysia
Malaysia's No.1 Tongkat Ali Capsule with KKM License. ( 100% Herbal Viagra )
10 Kapsul x 500 mg
TongYang XP Xtreme Kapsul Tongkat Ali Bio-DNA merupakan ' FENOMENA ' terbaru yang telah menggemparkan MALAYSIA dengan pelancarannya di KL Tower. Ia merupakan produk paling hangat permintaannya di kalangan ' SI JEJAKA '. Berjaya menarik perhatian KOSMO & UTUSAN MALAYSIA.
Dengan adanya kelulusan KKM, 100% Herba dan HALAL, ia telah berjaya menandingi produk ' V I MA X ', lebih selamat lebih menakjubkan.
XP™ XTREME Khasiat gabungan HERBA TONGKAT ALI (Eurycoma Longifolia) & HERBA PADANG PASIR (Cynomorium Songaricum)
Digunakan secara traditional untuk:
* Meningkatkan daya tenaga dan kekuatan lelaki
* Meningkatkan tahap tenaga tubuh badan
* Menambahkan kecergasan untuk gaya hidup aktif
* Melegakan keletihan dan rasa lesu
* Mengembalikan tenaga selepas aktiviti lasak
Radix Eurycoma Longifolia Jack
Radix Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) berfungsi secara semulajadi dengan menghantar isyarat kepada hipotalamus dan kelenjar pituitari dan merangsang testis untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak testosteron.
Tidak seperti bahan steroid yang mengganggu seksualiti lelaki yang boleh menyebabkan pengecutan zakar dan testis, testosteron sintetik (steroid anabolik) yang dihasilkan di sini boleh menambahkan kadar testosteron di dalam tubuh badan.
Pengeluaran testosteron di dalam tubuh badan seseorang akan berkurangan atau berhenti apabila kadar testosteron mula mencecah paras yang tinggi. Tindak balas bertentangan ini terhasil apabila hormon seks (androgen dan estrogen) menghantar isyarat kepada tubuh badan.
Apabila memakan Tongkat Ali, tindak balas bertentangan ini boleh di pintas dan ini membolehkan tubuh badan untuk terus menghasilkan testosteron walaupun testosteron sudah berada di paras yang tinggi, dan ini sekali gus meningkatkan saiz zakar dan buah zakar.
Tongkat Ali secara semulajadi meningkatkan kadar pengeluaran testosteron dan c-GMP.
Tidak seperti produk-produk lain, Tongkat Ali adalah bukan bahan perangsang dan ianya boleh dimakan secara kerap tanpa memberi sebarang kesan sampingan.
Bila kadar testosteron meningkat, secara beransur-ansur, seseorang boleh merasai peningkatan tahap kesihatan dan kecergasan tubuh badan mereka. Keberkesanan optimum ini boleh dicapai dan dirasai dengan pengambilan Tongkat Ali secara berterusan selama seminggu.
Herba Cynomorium Songaricum
Herba Cymonorium Songaricum juga dikenali sebagai “Ginseng Padang Pasir”.
Cynomorium Songaricum tumbuh di kawasan padang pasir yang bergeografi unik dan beriklim melampau di mana perbezaan suhu di antara siang dan malam mencapai lebih daripada 100°C. (tertinggi adalah 82.3°C, terendah adalah 20°C)
Cynomorium Songaricum sangat jarang di jumpai dan adalah sangat berharga di kalangan herba tradisional Cina, seperti yang dicatatkan lebih daripada satu abad yang lalu dalam Compendium of Materia Medica: Cynomorium Songaricum memberi kesan terapeutik di dalam peningkatan seksual, menyuburkan tulang dan otot, mencegah kekeringan, melembapkan dan melegakan usus.
Herba ini amat berguna kepada individu yang mengalami gejala-gejala seperti kemandulan, kelemahan otot dan tulang, sakit sendi dan lutut dan sebagainya.
Ginseng Padang Pasir Herba Tongkat Ali
Product Description
For Men’s Strength, Vitality & Energy
For Men’s Strength, Vitality & Energy
Radix Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) works naturally by inciting the testes to produce more testosterones on their own by sending signals to the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands.
Unlike steroids which interferes the male sexuality that often results in penile and testicular shrinkage, the synthetic testosterone (Anabolic steroids) produced here can supplement your body with testosterones.
Very often, testosterone production in one’s body will start decreasing or stop when testosterone levels are elevated. Such reaction is the result of sex hormones (androgens and estrogens) sending signals to the body.
Tongkat Ali however, when consumed, intercepts this process known as negative feedback and allows the body to continue producing testosterone at elevated levels, thus allowing the penis and testicles to increase in size.
Tongkat Ali works in such a way it enhances the testosterone and c-GMP production.
Unlike other claimed products, Tongkat Ali is not a stimulant and can be consumed regularly without any known side effects.
One can experience a gradual improvement in health and vitality when their testosterone level increases. Such optimal effectiveness can be best achieved and felt within a week of continuous uninterrupted use.
Herba Cynomorium Songaricum, which is also known as “Ginseng of The Desert”.
Cynomorium Songaricum grows in desert with unique geographic terrain and extreme climate, where the difference in temperature between day and night achieves more than 100′C (the highest is 82.3′C, the lowest is -20′C).
Cynomorium songaricum is rare and very precious among the Chinese traditional herbs, as recorded more than centuries ago in Compendium of Materia Medica: Cynomorium songaricum is therapeutic in sexual enhancement, nourishes bone and muscle, prevents dryness, moisturizes the intestine and relaxes bowels.
This herb is useful on individuals who suffer such symptoms like impotence, weakness on muscle and bone, cold pain of the joints and knees, etc.
The above two herbs are TRADITIONALLY USED to :
- Enhance strength and energy in men
- Increase body’s vitality
- Enable an Active Lifestyle
- Relieve general tiredness and weakness
- Restore energy after physical exertion in men
XP EXTREME TONGKAT ALI 500mg is registered as an approved product for over the counter sale by the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, an agency similar to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA.
XP EXTREME TONGKAT ALI 500mg is natural dietary supplement:
- All herbal ingredients
- Safe for adult
- No side effects
- Vegetarian capsule – suitable for all
Registration Number : MAL 19992878 T
Approved Indication : Traditionally used for for men’s strength, vitality & energy
Recommended Dosage :
First dosage – 2 capsules to be taken 3-4 hours after meal. Take with warm water.
Second dosage – another 2 capsules 2 days later (after first dosage), to be taken on empty stomach. Take with warm water.
Subsequent dosage – 1 capsule every 3-4 days (after second dosage), to be taken on empty stomach. Take with warm water.
Second dosage – another 2 capsules 2 days later (after first dosage), to be taken on empty stomach. Take with warm water.
Subsequent dosage – 1 capsule every 3-4 days (after second dosage), to be taken on empty stomach. Take with warm water.
Storage :
Store in cool dry place below 30 degree Celcius.
Warning :
- For adult men only.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not use if safety seal around bottle cap is missing or broken.
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